Monday Morning fun…

As Pete‘s bike is currently out of commission and he’s running off to Canada shortly, I thought I’d make my first post and possibly more in the coming weeks.

What with various commitments this week, Sunday’s riding crowd turned out to be just one; me. Rather than go out on the canal, I took the decision to save my legs and get a ride in on my way to work. I had an extremely enjoyable commute, leaving Leeds around 7am and arriving at work in York just before 8:45.

Rather than risk the horror that is the A64 in the morning, I travelled by the Wetherby Road, which I feel was a good decision. Traffic was low, and the sun was shining. Leeds to Wetherby has a great deal of undulation, and based on my experience this morning, may be the deal breaker in deciding whether I make the return commute. Wetherby to York however, is a wonderful ride, beautiful scenery either side of the road, very nicely finished roads, and (at least for me this morning) considerate drivers. If anyone wants to do some road riding, I thoroughly recommend it.

Anyway, time for me to do some work now, hopefully more from me at some point next week.

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